Combative Training

All services are tailored individually and for small groups, by appointment only.


Combative Self-Defence – General Public



Combative self-defence training  delivered on the Mat and at the Range:

A no-nonsense, solution-based approach to combat the emerging dangers of today.
Full spectrum combative self-defence to enhance environmental awareness and psychological/physical conditioning.

  • Blending multiple skills with a combative mindset.  Purposefully focused on decision making and critical thinking.
  • Mitigating the risk of injury through progressive and controlled training.
  • De-escalation attempts.
  • Multiple attacker scenarios.
  • Striking variations, clinch and ground work with and without the presence of weapons.
  • Edged weapons training.  How to use a blade and how to defend against an attacker yielding a blade.
  • Pistol disarms.
  • Blunt weapon use and defence.
  • Building strength and conditioning while improving overall personal confidence.
  • Medical training – Emergency situations and actions-on; Major bleeds, Airway management and Shock.
  • Firearms safety and range safety protocols.
  • Safe firearms handling.
  • Range safety protocols.
  • Accuracy and speed specific to close range (100 meters and in) including carbine rifles, pistols and shotguns.
  • Efficiency of movement.
  • Comprehensive effectiveness and environmental understanding.
  • Incorporating conditioning/physical exertion while employing various firearms.
  • Range drills and proficiency development, scaling between novice to advance applications.
  • Building confidence and understanding.

Safe Action Holster course:
On the range:  Pistol focused course working from the holster.  Safe handling of the firearms while working through draw-stroke & re-holstering.  Fundamentals of stance, grip, sights / body alignment, trigger manipulation, & recoil management.
Roughly 7 hours on the range designed to polish the fundamentals.  Build confidence and effectiveness while working from a holster.  This course is optimal for those interested in entering into sport shooting competitions and novice shooters looking to build trust in their abilities.

Full Spectrum Combatives – 2-day courses:
* Due to recent OIC / Firearms changes by the Fed Gov’t, we have made some adjustments to the curriculum.   We will update the DA events page shortly.


Vehicle Combatives:
On the range:  Pistol, Carbine advanced firearms practices.  Small team function.  Movement, communication, situational awareness involving vehicles and firearms.  How to effectively move in and around vehicles.  Ballistic effects and considerations with materials such as glass, metal, rubber.  Integrated medical scenarios while working through the realities of an elevated heart rate.
On the mat:  Full spectrum combatives including; Striking, Clinch and Ground work with the addition of weapons, implementation of readily accessible force-multipliers, dynamic micro-fights designed to increase heart rate, challenge the decision-making process while working through discomfort.

Firearms safety and injury prevention protocols are everyone’s responsibility.  Proficiency and overall effectiveness are our top priorities.   Accountability of actions will be addressed regularly.

Our training experiences are designed to connect with people.  Direct Acton will help harden the body and mind.

Direct inquiries to:


For the Professionals




Combatives / Defensive Tactics Training / Use of Force.

Upon request, training options include;
Tactical Firearms Training
; Pistol, Carbine Rifle and Shotgun.  Night optic device training.
CQC (Close Quarters Combat); Interior combat drills, movement, concepts, principles, firearm retention and K9 assimilation with dogs/handlers.  Force-on-Force scenarios.  Night vision goggles / laser aiming device training.
Vehicle CQC; Fighting in and around the use of vehicles and confined spaces and vehicle extraction procedures.
Concealed carry / Plain clothes; Low-profile operations.  Kit and equipment set-up, profile awareness, fight to the gun drills, deployment and use of a blade/writing pen/hand-held flashlight as a back-up tool.
Physical and Psychological enhancement.  Building resiliency for the body and mind.  Performance on demand development; Activation, focus, building confidence, emotional control training.
Defensive Tactics; Striking, clinch and ground work with / without the presence of weapons.  Subject control techniques with the integration of kit and equipment.  Firearm retention drill.  Applying restraints with active resistance.
Instructor development; Train-the-Trainer options available.  Exploring the differences between being an ‘Instructor’ and being a ‘Coach’.  Human connection and adult learning styles. Creating measurable standards and performance tracking.
Consulting; Leadership, Selection & Retention strategy development. Data collection and delivery system expansion.
Protection detail; Close Personnel, Witness, VIP / International Dignitary protection details.  Team composition duties and responsibilities.  Principal protection drills and techniques.  Draw and fire drills.

At Direct Action we value your worth.  Training safety and operational effectiveness are our top priorities.  We will promote a safe and progressive learning environment while mitigating the risks of personal injury.  With respect to the Canadian Criminal Code and the Community Safety and Policing Act, we will assist with bridging the gap between decision and action.

Combative training and consulting for:

  • Law Enforcement
  • Military / DND
  • Other Government Agencies
  • Security Professionals
  • CBSA
  • Corrections Canada
  • PPS

** Provided material provided by DA is in addition to Ministry standards with respect to Use of Force expectations.
Community Safety and Policing Act – Use of Force Instructor qualified – June 2024 – (OPP / OPC).


Women’s Only Seminars


Women’s self-defence (WOSD)
Seminars offered to meet existing challenges and needs of modern women.

Women are often viewed as ‘soft targets’.  Due to this common view the intent of our delivery system is to provide options to   We will explore pro-active measures to become a hard target.  Learn to combat against;

Social Aggressor:
The desire to profit through induced fear or uncertainty for personal gain.  Often motivated by materialistic items (purse, cell phone, money, etc.) or temporary social enhancement through verbal assault, physical altercation or emotional belittling.

Predatory Aggressor:
5%  (often male ) population, who intentionally cause serious harm or worse.  Commonly accompanied by drugs/alcohol and/or mental illness.  These aggressors have little fear of law enforcement, lack respect and honour.   Their actions are evil and ill-intended,  accompanied by physically abuse, sexual abuse,  and emotional trauma.

These are the type of people we are preparing for.

Seminars open to females between 12 – 55  years of age.

  • Situational awareness and environmental understanding.
  • Explanation of the OODA loop  process.
  • Strategies to manage a physiological response triggered by a psychological stimulus.
  • Use of voice, posture and body language.
  • Break contact when somebody invades personal space.
  • Abduction avoidance skills and strategies.
  • Use of position, distance and movement to create safety.
  • Striking and defence.  Clinch work.  Strategies for ground to feet recovery.
  • Intro to blade (attacks and defences).
  • Ground to feet recovery (options and outlets).

As a result, women will increase confidence and their ability to protect themselves or their loved ones.
