London Police Service
5-day training concentration with the Tactical Law Enforcement group of London, Ontario. Focsed on; TACTICAL PISTOL AND CARBINE RIFLE, CQB PRINCIPLES AND DRILLS, DEFENSIVE TACTICS AND TECNIQUES.
5-day training concentration with the Tactical Law Enforcement group of London, Ontario. Focsed on; TACTICAL PISTOL AND CARBINE RIFLE, CQB PRINCIPLES AND DRILLS, DEFENSIVE TACTICS AND TECNIQUES.
RCMP - led CQB working group. Multi-police force integration. Municiple, Provincial, Federal mandates of internal comnbat; movement, drills, standard operating procedures, the 'why' and 'how' of specific skills and drills, … Read more
Abduction Avoidance Training. Communication = verbal, non-verbal, Emotional control, Confined spaces, Restraint defeat, Rapid response, Personal protection = Use of imporvised tools, Intestinal fortitude.